Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A Trip to WCIA 3's TV Show:

On October 25, 2011, a college journalism 199 class joined WCIA 3 behind the scenes of the shooting of ciLiving's latest topic: Spooky Make-Up Tricks with Dallas & Co.

The students were astonished to learn that it took three camera men to shoot different angles of the same scene and that there was a control room filled with five people accompanied by countless computer screens.They also learned that commercial breaks are not intended to allow them to run to the kitchen for a break snack, but serve as rehearsal time for the talk show host.

Wait a second. Did she just pull out a small piece of paper and quickly memorize her TV script during a commercial break? Oh,yes, she did. The camera man yelled out "1 minute" and the talk show host gazed into the camera, showed her luminous, white teeth, and began to quietly rehearse her lines from a piece of paper. 45 seconds remained and the camera man tells her to move forward. "I can't anymore. I will fall out," she said. 15 seconds remained and she looked to the screen on her right. She smiled and her time was up.

In the control room, the director had a head piece on and yelled out "Cam 1. Cam 2. Back to Cam 1" indicating which camera should displayed at different intervals.

While being on AIR, not only did the camera man on the right suck on a lollipop, but he also snapped his fingers furiously in order to get the attention of another camera man.The talk show host maintained her position and ignored anything that went on behind the scenes.

This seems to be a typical work day for Heather Roberts, a WCIA 3 talk show host for

By Sara Rosario

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed this! I like the details and imagery throughout it— it brought me back to the experience! I like the parts about Heather, the camera man and counting the time down- that's exactly how it all happened! I still cannot believe we were in the room as they shot the segment. It amazes me. And then I liked how you talked about the other view we saw being inside the hectic control room. And finally, I liked that you looked at it from the average viewer's perspective- comparing the differences between the experience of the WCIA employees and the experience of the audience as they view the same live news cast!
